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tv   ABC 7 News at 600  ABC  October 24, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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voting. >> hello, i love. ohio. >> they are piling up their flier miles at a record pace. the busiest day of the race so far. the first stop on our flight around campaign marathon extravaganza. >> the president ticked off his america forward to work in iowa in colorado and then finally a las vegas rally. if it seems like they are overlapping, it is because they are. g somet romney is hittin same spot.t by his assessment, to growing crops. >> people are coming together at they haveime
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diminished the president's because he has been sesame to talking about characters. >> mitt romney has taken his of lumps lately, he is them out, too, the president for a r interview in which he for he had no regrets on health carduring his first two years of office of working strictly on the economy. after the president's first overnight flight to florida, he comes here to richmond. then on to chicago. >> the battlegrounds of virginia about to become very crowded. presidential candidates and candidates.nt of tomorrow, president obama will richmond.ent in paul ryan will stop charlottesville. saturday, vice-president baden
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well as visit virginia beach. -- vice president biden will visit virginia beach. >> casino owners and other interest have spent more than advertisingon question 7. it includes ads but bite out of state casinos who oppose the plan. it would allow table games and a casino in prince george's county. compared with a 34 spent inollar campaign the 2006 maryland governor's race. hospitalist is in the injuries-threatening by a school bus in montgomery county. the accident happened this afternoon. driver tried to swerve cyclist, but he could not avoid hitting him. the driver was hospitalized with .inor injuries the restaurants on the bus at the time, t none of them were injured. thehere were students on
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time, but none of them were injured. ticketedmera alone has than 100,000 drivers and $11 million in fines. ford joins us live with more on these cameras. >> if you ask the city's police department, they will say the cameras have forced motorists to drive slower in the city. however, if you ask aaa and motorist pang tickets between say that250, they will cases, it isese about revenue. call it the $9 million camera, the revenue the single camera at near the wilson the d.c.ought to government in the fiscal year that just ended. >> i did moved back here about a couple of months ago.
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he just moved back from california. >> minutes later in the other i-395. him on welcome home. numbers show that in fiscal year made $85 million on traffic cameras all lu. -- alone. 32% then d.c. made a year ago. >> they probably cannot live without it. to this now addicted revenue. almost $200 million a year. >> d.c. police planted fatality statistics. years, a 56% 10 decrease in traffic fatalities. 16 so far in 2012. even so, speed camera finds --
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>> the amounts are so real, they are too much. d.c. council members of would cut the fines to $50. says he is opposed. are that would cost $19 million in revenue. crisis in now to the syria, the white house is hoping possible cease-fire might lead smoother political transition. some government forces and rebel forces have already agreed to a truce. and now can get inspired themist group has rejected cease-fire -- and now qaeda inspired islamist group has
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rejected the cease-fire. >> are news partners said the reopened a land deal with arlington county. if it goes through, the cemetery land down hill the air force memorial and would get land closer interstate 395. that would allow the county to realign columbia pike and give more burial space. the top federal prosecutor in manhattan is setting bank of america for $1 billion. he is filing that suit alleging against freddie fannie mac. those procedures generated thousands of fraudulent loans. e comment -- the good news is pretty good. why that trip across the
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country for thanksgiving will year.ou more this >> it is the annual halloween parade. >> all we did today is tied a record high temperature for washington.
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we had a good group of people. good group of employees out there. this was a booming place. and mitt romney and bain capital turned it in to a junk yard. i was suddenly, 60 years old. i had no health care mainly i was thinking about my family. how am i going to take care of my family. he promised us the same things he's promising the united states. and he'll give you the same thing he gave us. nothin anncr: priorits usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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>> a big event in vienna tonight. the halloween parade. the parade and attracts many theseates for office in big election years. this has been a tradition for years in vietnam. probably one of the armer nights they have had in long time. expecting 35,000 people for this.t folks, it is all about halloween. it is also a last chance for a politicians and their supporters to get out and get less last minute votes than two weeks before election day. parade,s that for this you better set up early. >> we are not the only ones.
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>> this is a tradition. >> we have been coming to this daughter was >> there are lots of clothes -- floats. the parade happens to fall each year right before election day. they sure, we have an especially big one. a lot of politicians are coming out tonight. these guys are volunteering for republican chris perkins. i was told by one of our organizers, there are 101 you name it in this parade. expecting a 35,000 people. a small percentage of these are of themans, but most are people in costume, local groups. if you are traveling through arena, some of the roads shut down.
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if you are coming year, it ought parade.r the >> florida braces for sandy. .e will have the latest >> our weather is beautiful now. >> the world series kicks off tonight. i have breaking news on london fletcher. ike leggett: gaming generated one hundred and eighty...
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million dollars for maryland schools. question seven will double it. rushern baker: question seven will add table games and... a new casino, generating millions of dollars... every year, without raising taxes. leggett: and audits will ensure the money goes... where it's supposed to. more jobs, and millions for schools. baker: question seven will be good for our kids... our teachers, and our schools. leggett: keep maryland money in maryland. baker: please vote fte question seven. leggett: vot vfor question seven.
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>> some good news today for the u.s. housing market. 389,000 homesles, last month. an increase of 6% over august. it indicates steady improvement byhousing market driven record low mortgage rates. >> if you are planning to fly holiday, it beng than youto pay more
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did last year. the average price of a round- trip ticket within the u.s. is $386. that is 9% more of them last year. there are more passengers trying to book fewer seats and the airlines are attacking non for peak travel times -- are tacking on surcharges for peak travel times. that could mean significant stormerosion because the -- some beaches are not far from miami are already off-limits. >> it looks nice down there even all of that. >> it is gun to be an interesting story. -- it isn't going to be an interesting storm. -- it is going to be an storm.ting do you mean by interesting? should i be frightened? we do not see this coming
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than you did last year. together all that frequently. it will not be a europe came north, buts this far l be -- it will not be a powerful storm -- it will when it getsicane far north, but it will still be a powerful storm. let's take a live look from arlington. beautiful evening, the sun goes down shortly. temperatures in the 70's in now continue to drop into the 60's. 84 is the official high today at reagan at national. it will be a long time before we into the 80's. will go dramatically clear by early next week. all fog late tonight, a partly cloudy otherwise.
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an area of high pressure, that why we will cool off. this is the satellite image of sandy, a hurricane right now. over eastern sections of cuba. back to a hurricane and weekends post- been augmented by the effects of approaching cold front. we are looking sunday into as the time frame. it could get quite wind here. 35% chance that parts of our area might have a tropical storm conditions. that no chance of impact. we do see potential issues with rain, excessive rainfall and flooding due to the onshore flow
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of wind. a lot of things to watch. is all in the potential now asy right 30-abilities' days in the 40% range. >> the toyota sports desk, brought to you by your local toyota dealers. on london the latest fletcher? >> it is not real good, but we keep you posted. he did not practice again today and that hamstring is not the only problem. is going to go see a neurologist because he is having some balance problems. vertigo, perhaps, and that is not good. if he cannot go, alexander will play in the middle. review from the
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see what he has to say. i will give you more tomorrow. you can never make up for a guy like london. there andto go out did the best i can. >> you cannot talk redskins rgiii. talking about the mistakes have kept him from intoxicated with his own success. he has had a couple of costly turnovers. >> the worst feeling you can fumble and theu ball is 3 feet in front of you. i had my hand on the ball. i am not mad about that either. he made a good play on that. time i will go into
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the fetal position. for baseball fans, everybody see the nationals the fall classic. did not happen. davey johnson was named manager of the year. game one of the world series, this is a great matchup. justin played in the world he was a rookie. the hottest bat in the pro he started the season with the rockies. would you have believed them? if you were told -- if you ore to have told me in may would have plans to in the face. are you serious? of the day comes from tennis. are you kidding me?
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the behind the back return. hockey fans come that it does like he will get a full season. tomorrow is the deadline for the schedule and the two are not close to reaching an agreement. the islanders are moving from island and will play in brooklyn. they have got a basketball analogy have hockey. -- and now they have hockey. [ obama ] i'm barack obama, and i approve this message.
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[ female announcer ] seen this from mitt romney? thene take a look at this. [ anderson cper ] if roe v. wade was overturned, congress passed a federal ban on all abortions, and it came to your desk -- would you sign it? "yes" or "no"? let me say it -- i'd be delighted sign that bill. [ female announcer ] banning all abortions? i'd be delighted to sign that bill. [ female announcer ] trying to mislead us? that's wrong. but ban all abortions? only...if you vote for him. ♪
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>> some interesting weather may on the way. >> let's take a look at the next days.l it will turn cooler. showers when we approached the cold front saturday. chance that what is going to be left, whenever former sentiment isndy is to interact with this could of low pressure, it be really nasty weather of late monday.nd we will have an update on that at 11:00. us at 11:00. have a great evening. anncr: seven-hundred-thousand jobs.
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that's what the plan george n len supports... would cost our economy. newspapers called it "economically destructive." like allen's votes to give tax breaks to companies... that ship jobs overseas, his economic plan would... help big corporations, devastating the middle class. allen even voted against tax breaks for small businesses. virginia can't afford to go back to george allen. the democratic senatorial campaign is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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we were told to build a 30-foot stage. gathered the guys and we built that 30-foot stage, not knowing what it was for. just days later, all three shifts were told to assemble inbl the warehous. a group of peop walked out on that stage and told uthat the pla is now closed
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and all of you are fired... i looked both ways, i looked at the crowd, and...we all just lost our jobs. we don't have an income. mitt romney made ovever 100 million dollars by shutting down our plant and devastated our lives. turns out that when we built that stage, it was like building my own coffin, and it just made me sick. [ male announcer ] priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.


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